The Ultimate Climate Battle

The Ultimate Climate Battle

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is


Lack of financial incentives

Lack of financial incentives

Currently, there is a lack of financial incentives to address climate change. This lack of motivation can lead to poor progress in fighting climate change.

Currently, there is a lack of financial incentives to address climate change. This lack of motivation can lead to poor progress in fighting climate change.

Creating a market for climate predictions

Creating a market for climate predictions

We aim to transform the future economies of cities by allowing investors to bet on their ability to meet climate goals. This creates a climate prediction market where investors can profit by either supporting or betting against a city's long-term climate strategy.

We aim to transform the future economies of cities by allowing investors to bet on their ability to meet climate goals. This creates a climate prediction market where investors can profit by either supporting or betting against a city's long-term climate strategy.

How Shorting Cities Drives Global Change

How Shorting Cities Drives Global Change

Use the power of short-selling cities to pressure governments, investors and corporations to take action on climate change and secure billions in real estate investments. Make a lot of money while driving the change our planet needs.

Use the power of short-selling cities to pressure governments, investors and corporations to take action on climate change and secure billions in real estate investments. Make a lot of money while driving the change our planet needs.

How Going Long Drives Climate Progress

How Going Long Drives Climate Progress

Take the long view and profit from investing in thriving, sustainable cities that are leading the way in the fight against climate change.
Take the long view and profit from investing in thriving, sustainable cities that are leading the way in the fight against climate change.

Invest in Climate Progress with ShortX

Invest in Climate Progress with ShortX

ShortX transforms climate advocacy into investment action, enabling you to support and profit from the shift towards a sustainable future.

ShortX transforms climate advocacy into investment action, enabling you to support and profit from the shift towards a sustainable future.

ShortX transforms climate advocacy into investment action, enabling you to support and profit from the shift towards a sustainable future.

Empower Your Portfolio with Climate-Conscious Bets

Lead the charge against environmental complacency by investing with ShortX, where each bet is a stride towards a thriving, sustainable economy.

Take control of your investments and bet against unsustainable industries with ShortX.

Strategize Against Climate Volatility

Don't leave your investments to chance. ShortX offers a platform to manage/ hedge climate risk and set market prices, allowing you to take an active role in creating a better world.

Don't leave your investments to chance. ShortX offers a platform to manage/ hedge climate risk and set market prices.

Catalyze a Green Economy with Informed Investments

ShortX is your gateway to fostering a low-carbon economy—profit from pioneering moves that propel global markets towards renewable solutions.

Change the world, one city at a time.

Change the world, one city at a time.

By investing in cities, you can start a domino effect for a greener and safer future.

Lagos, Nigeria



Coming soon

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City


Coming soon

Miami, FL


Dhaka, Bangladesh



Coming soon

Jakarta, Indonesia



Coming soon

Shanghai, China



Coming soon



Coming soon








What is ShortX?

How does ShortX work?

Why should I use ShortX?

How does ShortX contribute to the fight against global warming?

Can Climate Derivatives help mitigate climate risk?

Is shortx a secure platform?

How much does it cost to use shortx?

How does ShortX differ from traditional finance markets?